Dora is Dead: Remastered! A new and improved version of the original game that includes updated textures and models. Featuring a new version of Boots who’s mechanics have been changed to add more of a challenge to the game. Out now on Itchio and Gamejolt.
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Gamejolt asks what retro game would I like to see remade.
Very unlikely, but A Nightmare on Elm Street for the NES being remade would be so GOOD. I know a lot of people talk smack about this game, but I loved it.
New Sticker To Celebrate Scoobtober!
#GJAsks who's my favorite platformer character? This goofball, I love him.
Yes I have an emotional attachment to the first Rayman LOL
#GJAsks Favorite indie game? I'm so conflicted between Phantom Halls and Evil Tonight being my favorites. Not trying to pick obscure answers, they're just absolute gems that deserve more love.