Decided to archive these models that were by @Greafness , and leaked back then by Quel, so I felt like archiving the models and publishing them to the public, So enjoy these models!
Read the rules before downloading them
I'm not the one who made the models, that be @Greafness
, so credit him if you want.
You can make ports on these models to the modern versions of Blender, C4D, SFM, etc.
You can make animation/videos with these models if your good at using Blender 2.79.
You can make Gore with these models, but no real life gore
Have fun!
Download: Dormitabis 2.79 models Archive - Google Drive
Disclaimer: Please note that some of the character models are not in it due to me not downloading much of them since they are probably lost, if you guys still have some of them (For example, Havoc Chica, Havoc Foxy. The BOA, etc) send them in dms and I'll update the Drive link.
Also ignore the Photomosh watermark.