Written By: Isaac
With all the craziness in the world, it’s good to be back with another status report. We apologize for the lack of a report last month. Time got ahead of us with an already short month and we felt we didn’t have much to discuss and show to make it worthwhile. With that said, let's dive right back into our latest status report!

As always, our 3D team is always on the move and working hard to pump out high-quality assets for Downfall. In January, we showcased a work-in-progress version of our original LMG design. This month, the model has been completed and is ready to be fully showcased!
UNSC LMG - Shadow Hawk

In January, we unveiled the concept art behind the SRS100-EM Gauss Sniper Rifle. Today, we are unveiling the 3D version of the rifle. As with all of our models, this could end up not being the final look.
Gauss Sniper Rifle - Shadow Hawk

A model that we’ve shown off numerous times has finally been completed! The Battle Rifle! Our 3D Director, Dylan has reached a satisfactory stage with the model and he feels that it’s finally complete. Take a look at the final model!
Battle Rifle - Dylan

As with everything we create, we love to hear feedback from you guys! Please share your thoughts on what you like, don’t like, or just some things you feel could improve it. Your opinions matter to us!

Next, we have the recently finished concept of the iconic covenant weapon, the Plasma Rifle! This design brings a unique, but familiar look to the fan-favorite weapon. We would love to hear your thoughts on this concept.

Next up, we have a few HUD concepts for our friendly ODSTs. We put these out on our discord back in January but never included them in an update. As always, these concepts are not final and subject to change.
HUD Concepts by Master_Gecko117

Those were a few iterations by our weapons artist, Gecko. Please feel free to leave any feedback!
HUD Concepts by Callum

That was one iteration by our art director, Callum.
Next, we have a few menu concepts from our UI designer, Mat. Please note that any features listed on the concepts are not confirmed and many of them are simply placeholders for the design.
Menu Concepts by Mat

Here is a brand new section for these updates! These QnA’s will take questions from our discord, twitter, and Reddit and answer them in one place!
Q: Will COVID-19 affect the development of Downfall
A: No, at least not at this time. We’ve all worked from home before the outbreak.
Q: Will there be a firefight mode?
A: Right now we’re all in on creating an amazing campaign experience. Firefight is not off the table, but not a priority.
Q: Will we see new mechanics that have never been in a Halo game before?
A: Yes.
Q: Will this be on steam?
A: No.
We plan on including this section in every report going forward, so please feel free to leave questions in the comments! If we don’t get a chance to reply to you, there’s a good chance it’ll make it here!

With all ongoing COVID-19 pandemic affecting many parts of the globe, we would like to share some valuable information regarding this situation. This comes from the good guys at Project Contingency for putting together this list of links!
World Health Organization [WHO]:
Remember, if you’re feeling sick, stay home. Let's flatten the curve. We’re all in this together.

We’re always looking for new people to jump aboard this ship and set sail with us in the development of this ambitious project.
Currently, we’re looking for:
Experienced 3D Artists

As we close this month's update, we’re excited to provide a glimpse into the road ahead for Downfall with some early work in progress concept art.

Art by Lead Art Director, Callum
Oh, one more thing...

Signing off...