Mary was the daguter of stens's son aka horacrux. lerning frome her fother she lernd hell's magic and how to controll hellblood (hellblood is a substanc used for menny thing like wepens and cloths) Lerning how it use this helps her kill her victoms eser by drounding them. if you thank thats twested lisen to her chilled hood. "i used to be abused by my owen famly manly my brother" now thats some twested shit. but it gets more twested "A bully at my scool used to sexuly abuse me some times till i bleed" ok now thats fucked up but whate ther is moore "my dad was so fureus at methat i dident take maters into my own hands so he sent me here to the over world and its moor twested then my home hell" ok and i thought my childhood was fucked up.
so ho shude i make aarticle about next