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New Version 0.2 Demo Coming out Soon!
10% of online mode is finished i also added Recovery Items to the game!
Sonic Runners Scratch Edition Devlog 2
In the Images you see above ya
You can see a Finished Sprite Sheet with Runner's Black Outlines
I'm also using the Modgen Classic Sonic Sprites for this Game
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Receive Divine Judgement! #DBBZ #DBBZNewCharacter #SU
Hey guys, i might have to cancel DBBZ because of a "Plugin Error" im trying my best to find the Problem but for now the game is now cancelled "For Now"
Runners Outline Test
Version 1.1 will be better than version 1.0 with a new Title Screen Dragon Ball Battle Z is looking brighter now, Sadly no release date yet
With DBBZ Coming out on Jully 3rd th its time to Announce a full widescreen 16:9 or 1600 X 900 RES, The Widescreen Feature will not be able to be optimized, Online Mode will also have the 16:9 Option
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