And of course, to learn more about all of this of course, here's the official link to, where, and how it all works and everything!!!!
(Official Link to Know how it all works:
And yes, for all time sake's and everything, the official DDS HQ and the Twurky Terks Members had decided ways and created an official channel on the official JJS community here on Feb. 23rd, 2025, known as the "TTCD Recorded Parody Archivos Channel"!!! Which is of course, short for "Twurky Terks CD Recorded Parody Archivos Channel"!!!!! And just like before with the DDS News Broadcast posts and stuff, all of the Twurky Terks CD Recorded Parody Archivos Recordings will of course, be all created on separate Google Docs/Documents!!!! This could take a while so yeah, stay tuned for some more future updates!!!!!! Have a wonderful and safe afternoon!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!! #TheTTMsAreStillWatchingYouAll!!!!!! #DontTakeThisAwayFromMeUs!!!!! #WelcomeToDraxxDustunStudios!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!!!! #TTCDrecordedArchivesAre.......... #RespectThemPositiveParodies!!!!!
(And of course, to once again re-re-refreshing your memories and everything, Here's an official example for each start-up thingy for the official "Twurky Terks CD Recorded Parody Archivos" series!!! Inc case you won't all forget about here!!!! Bad joke by the way, I know that by now!!!!)
Start-Up Entry #1 - This is the First official parody entry of the Twurky Terks CD Recorded Parody Archivos of Draxx Dustun Studios!!!! Where all official parody information, secrets, and details gathered about every JJS parody mascots are going to be recorded!!!!
Start-Up Entry #2 - This is the {official number of recorded thingy} parody entry of the Twurky Terks CD Recorded Parody Archivos of Draxx Dustun Studios!!!!
And of course, here are all FOUR official Twurky Terks Members!!!!!
Reeno Haverrno
Rurotto Mudertto
Tsanged Tsungsoog
Elenna Movieseen (The Official Leader of The Twurky Terks Members)