Thankfully, both HHS and JJS won't have their future parody updates until March of 2025 so, yeah!!!!! Anyways, here's the official parody game header for Episode Four for this future parody mascot horror game only!!!!! And look!!!! There's Gridget's good for nothing sister!!!!! Haven't seen her in awhile folks!!!!! Nearly a year in a half for that matter!!!! I wonder how Mrs. Pieya-Face is doing so far???? Visiting her sister Gridget of course!!!!! And his brother Jeffrrey as well too!!!!!! And of course, this one's kind of a bit in its detractive moments here and there!!!!! It did say that Mrs. Pieya-Face was originally known for her official teaching skills and theater performances and everything!!! More on all of that later of course!!!!!! Anyways, what's the next one going to be for???? Episode SIX of course.......Wait a minute here???? EPISODE SIX'S ONE IS NEXT!!!!!!!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!????
What about Episode Five's one???? Really folks from Draxx Dustun Studios and NarchGraites Pictures???? Jax Justun & Jax Marble and Their Misadventures in A New Parody Era Saga in: Glassive Peregrinationes Sights of Draxx Dustun Studios is going to do the exact same thing like Garten of BanBan has done???? But in a different perspective???? Okay then......Stay tuned for some more on that I guess.......Anyways folks, I know that DDS HQ have been the one mostly creating future parody updates and everything, but again, this is an all new and official Parody Era Saga here!!!! And this one's even more bigger then the one before all of that!!!!!! And yes, this entire part of this parody era saga here's going to last until the end of July of 2025!!!!! Anyways, see you all next time!!!! And I hope you're all enjoying these fan-made parody headers that I'm making so far here folks!!!! See you all next time!!!!! #WelcomeToDraxxDustunStudios!!!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!! #TheresMrsPieyaFace!!!!!!! #DontTakeThisAwayFromMeUs!!!!! #WelcomeToMaestroTeatroArts!!!!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!!! #RespectThemPositiveParodies!!!!!!!!!