Hello everyone! So I’ve been busy working on adding in between frames for all of Jack’s attacks. We felt we should have a lead up to his attacks so that player can understand how Jack ended up in his new position. One example is on the short dagger weapon that we have called Nightbite. Originally we only had a single frame per hit since we wanted to go for a fast paced hit on that weapon, but after playtesting it for awhile we felt it would look better to have Jack actually swinging the dagger into the next hit, so I added more frames to his Nightbite attack and it looks a lot better than it originally did.

I worked on the rest of Jack’s weapon animations and I also updated his melee combo. I’ll be adding more frames to all of Jack’s gears to make every gear set unique.

Jack’s Plate set during his bow charge up.

And now lastly on my last devlog I mentioned about adding the Bomb enemies death animations and this one would have to be one of few ways to die that’s pretty funny and intense at the same time. This is in game footage and this is the result of when you light up the Bomb enemies bomb wick with your magic attack.

Just a sneak peek on whats yet to come. I’ll be continuing adding more updated frames on the rest of Jack’s gear sets and I’ll be working on more enemy death animations. So keep an eye out for more updates on the game! Till next time, take care everyone!