Name: Alien Wario
Entity Number: #14
Object Class: Euclid
Appearance: A partially decomposed version of Wario who was reportedly seen in both Area 51 and Luigi's new house.
Mutation History:
-First Mutation (2006): The entity's arms have been able to grow to unnatural lengths as well as the mouth. Creature's eyes have also been turned a complete white color along with the skin loosing all pigmentation.
-Second Mutation (2012): Entity's clothing has now been turned into a dark purple along with the teeth becoming red with 4 of them falling out. The gloves have now turned red as the entity's veins have ruptured, damping the gloves in blood.
-Third Mutation: Entity has now changed back to its regular size, albeit loosing most of its right arm and loosing the skin on its face with the only thing remaining being the nose, eyebrows and mustache. The blood on its gloves also looks to be dried up and rotting. Furthermore, the eyes appear red in its new state.
Anomalous behaviors: Entity has unnatural strength as well as being able to rip its victims apart with its formerly long arms. In his current form, Alien Wario can mutate anyone else with a bite, touch or contact of any kind. The Entity also doesn't seem to have any nerves going to its now skeletal arm but can still move it with no problem as well as not having any visible vocal cords but still remains capable of making growls or imitated speech.
Special Containment Procedures: Entity is to be kept locked up in an Amber-Covered 14 meter by 14 meter room with a stainless steel door that is to be kept double-locked at all times. Should the creature escape, all exits will be sealed until an available mobile task force comes to restrain and re-contain the creature.