I'm scared Dodo will keep stealing my stuff and post it on Tumblr over and over until they basically won't stop (which already has happened).
And after what Maxity did.... It told me that I needed a Gamejolt break. Same with the Juliet stuff. My weekend was ruined bc all of them (including Pinky aka applejackforapples on TikTok who is still active on said site ruining my friends stuff).
I'm probably going to post more Pokemon Showdown videos than The Tex Sightings and The Orange Sanctum on here. This goes along with TNA and other things.
Speaking of Dodo, I'm not letting Dodo steal my characters and use them for offensive, inappropriate, and rude stuff on their Tumblr. Their weird Roleplay type reactions with my characters too. They especially don't own the characters I made (Including the others my friends have Made which I told everyone about them on the Cord so they know).
I'll be more active on the Cord which you can request me at thatcyanaerzu360. I may be gone for a week or a half. I hope everyone has a good day!