Some things are being developed still, but the decision behind Kazovsky's intention is to get away from internet noise, distractions and come back when he would be ready to make great things as he always wanted.
Meanwhile i will respond for the upcoming potential changes to his page or the game page.
To be clear, we are not truly friends, he hired me to manage his pages on internet. Im glad i could help and everything will be fine
Next up
Public Response to Community Concerns - TRTBN Classic Updates, Upcoming TRTBN VR and Personal Life (A MUST READ)
The Return to Bloody Nights VR - Office
Regarding new response from @JenPen_ Also, look, i am sure he is gonna block me isntead of resolving this situation maturely. MY Experience with Jen tells me you SHOULD NOT work with this guy, NEVER. As he backstabs anyone who he doesn't like. For fun.
Once we reach 2.000 followers on the VR page of the game, we will show some images and reveal the characters how they are looking. Thanks again everyone who already followed and still supports us, means a lot! This new version is a great improvement!
modeling his body :)
Honest opinion.