11 months ago

Dummy GASA4?! Holy shit??

I have never done (mostly) no outline what the shit why was it so difficult.

Anyways, random fun fact but I adore the idea of Mad Dummy & Aware Cashier. They're so cool to NOT add in, smh.

for legal purposes and to not sound like an asshole, that last part was a joke. Mad Dummy and Aware Cashier are fine as concepts but I will go feral over them.



Next up

oh dear.


Sorry, forgive me, I am a useless adult agent. / Hymn to the Decadent Life :3

Gift for @.gsothegso !

Delilah and Ryn. LobCorp OCs,,,

they got a hat

that's it

that's the post

ther edmist

I joined:)

@swhsrat_ :D

Redesigns for some OCs + My LobCorp OCs in general,, :3