Hey Tal’Dorians!
The day has finally come when you can explore the world of Tal’Doria, break into crypts, walk under giant mushrooms, jump down wells, and more!
Check it out on Steam and support us by buying a copy: https://store.steampowered.com/app/626130/
Start out as a Knight, Archer, or Mage and begin your journey looting dungeons for treasure to equip your characters.
We are just starting out with much more to come, with skills and new biomes (and dungeons) just on the horizon, we are looking to show you how active we really are.
The game is intended to be played with friends, so gather three of your friends and have them jump into your game with full Steam integration *No server or setup required and no IP needed to be handed out!
If you encounter bugs or have feedback just share them in steam discussion or on our discord server so that we can address them quickly!
Some dungeons you will discover
Some enemies you may encounter
Steam hub: https://steamcommunity.com/app/626130
Discord: https://discord.gg/93RQdvz
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SuneXGames
Facebook: https://facebook.com/SuneXGames
Website: http://sunex-games.de/