1 month ago

Dunno if anyone's interested but here's what's the outfit supposed to look like for 'Casual outfit Elasmo'.

Post of the full pixel art :https://gamejolt.com/p/decided-to-do-an-alt-version-of-elasmo-but-it-wears-my-casual-outi-5mjfi8as

1 comment


Next up

Exenor Universe: Revenge ending.

Sprites by me, Original soundtrack by Andrew Hulshult.

A party in Papyrus room

Edits included

Underswap Papyrus: Custom spritesheet

1. Base 2. Hoodie

3. ALL JUST A- 4. Hoodie Alt.

5. Base Alt.

Everybody, look at what @Elasmo has done! Not gonna lie, it's a masterpiece! 10/10!!!

Humantale Chp 1 Ending.

Finally, the ending of chapter 1 is out! You can now download it and read all of the first chapter of Humantale.

Humantale Asriel (Front)

1. Happy 2. Normal sad

3. Geno run 4. Surprised

5. Base 6. Justice/Brave

-Original by Toby fox, edited by me-

Undertale Red and Yellow: Secret Mettaton EX geno fight. It was a worthy meme.

More DF funny moments with friends. No edits this time.

Ft. @Yoshendo5 @LL83 @Givememygamesback

This is what happens when you let someone with no animation skills do custom animations.

Humantale: Asriel Dremurr spritesheet

Feel free to use it! Just credit me for the spritesheet creation.

-Original sprites by Toby fox, edited by me-