DUSTTALE - challenge accepted

9 months ago

DUSTTALE - challenge accepted

[Chapter 5]

Time it took to make this: I don't know lah

Logo by kr1staaa


  • What about that stone donation?
    In the next Chapter you'll be able to put payment on one of the rocks.

  • ACTs aren't nessecary in this fight?

    No, they are a distraction when an enemy has a way to escape.

    I planned to make this battle longer with ACTs but this room is small so I just made the protagonist block the way before the battle starts as it makes more sense to me.

  • I can't see when it gets dark before Flowey freaks out!

    Are you reading this outside in the sun?

    Just get under some shadow and turn up your brightness, there is clearly an attack bar there.

  • What's with Tricky's attack when you point at him?

    I don't have the capabilities to animate it but if it was a game he'd actually hide the ball behind him with an animation and just pretend to land it from above inside the bell. (unlike how he just places the bell over it in this visual presentation)

    No, it's just Determination colored text.



Next up


Haha...let's do a wheel spin.

DUSTTALE - challenge accepted

[Chapter 3]

Time it took to make this: I don't know lah

Logo by kr1staaa

I hope the bad puzzle is clear, I am so tired

PS: I just realised banana has no black outline, my bad.

Yet another Undyne Toriel

You have all rights to dislike this and express it but don't try to put me down with it because im trying my best, thanks

Undertale Icebound: Blossoming bravery.

This worries me most- :( I really liked the anime...There is still hope it goes differently than manga and there is no ince-



By the way am I the only one who thinks All Might looks kinda cooler in his small form?

Like, just the way he is drawn, I like it way more than this muscly big guy.

I think it's mostly the eyes.

Plus this is one of my favourite scenes tbh.

DUSTTALE - challenge accepted

[Chapter 4]

Time it took to make this: 5-7 hours (I don't know lah)

Logo by kr1staaa

PS: I just realised Froggit has no battle dialogue, my bad, I forgot.

Hatsune Miku?

I wouldn't say this is a masterpiece but I had fun making it and it's been a while since I posted a sprite I made so here it is.