DUSTTALE Reimagined

1 year ago

DUSTTALE: Reimagined - November Devlog 2023

Hey what's up guys?
El here, and I bet you weren't expecting another Devlog at least in like 6 months, but here we are!
Now, I know that you guys are eager to start reading, so I won't delay you any further, enjoy!


We're going to start with the sprites department this time!
As there's a lot of stuff that we'd like to talk about!

First of all, you might remember us talking about the fact that we were gonna remake some of our sprites...

Well, we already started on that, for example...
Your favourite skeleton Sans!


...Wait, what do you mean he's not your favourite?

Moving past Sans, we also have really good progress on Flowey's and Frisk's OW spritesheets, so it might not be that far until the sprites department for The Ruins is complete!


And speaking of Flowey and The Ruins...
Did you ever wonder if Flowey had a special attack?
I didn't, but he ended up showing it to me anyways...


Yep, what I said before it's true, Flowey is getting a special attack in this fangame, and while we haven't reach that part of development in his fight just yet, we can show you a sneak peak of what it looks like!


Also the Flowey battle (AKA: Friendliness Pellets)
Has gotten some builds for testing and we found out that some attacks weren't that interesting, so that's why we changed them!

For comparion, here's the old version of the third attack:

And here's the new version:


Talking about more general progress, we have done quite a lot in this past 3 months!
An example would be the menu being completely done and the Intro of the game being 75% done!


The art that you see in the menu was made by @Dark_Haos !
While we can't show you just yet the intro, cause' we still need some things done, we CAN show you the track that would play in it, which leads us to the next department...


Over the course of the last 3 months, we've been working hard to make some new tracks for you guys to listen, but for now we've decided to center more on The Ruins, since that'd be the area for the Demo. (whenever that comes out!)

For now we've made two new tracks:

The "Game Over" theme made by Pierre
(AKA: Press Onwards):

And the "Once Upon A Time" track made by Bannerman and MinusCriminal (AKA: The Tragedy begins):

MinusCriminal is also working on the menu theme, so it'll probably be uploaded in the not-so-distant future!


And that leads us to the fourth and final part of this devlog...
The dialogues and overall, story!

Since "The Ruins" script was finished 3 months ago, we have been re-touching some parts that needed a little bit of polish, but overall the script that we have is pretty much final!

And that about wraps it up!
I hope that you guys liked this Unexpected Devlog, and without much else to say, we'll see you on the next one!



Next up

Reminder that this game is still being worked on

Hi, I came to say that we're not dead, and in fact have been cooking! Have this preview that we posted a while ago on the Discord server! (Yes, this is a promotion, go join!) By @Froxy1828

Okay, guys, we're sorry but we are adding "Wide-Screen"!

Undertale Icebound: Blossoming bravery.

Teaser of the new Ruins' tileset (you can see how it fully looks like on the menu screenshot in the description of the gamepage)



Posted this video yesterday on the public Discord Server, so I figured, why not post it in here!

New thumbnail for "funny bone."