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Tonight is the Night!
That's right, in the Next 3 or 4 Hours the Game will be out! after 2 months of development it's coming at long last! the Re-Work of the controversial scratch game from 2016 is finally getting the make-over by me at last.
Get Ready!~
Me and Joshua Working Together!
So once again! Me with @JoshuaTheDarkwolfHeartless IRL! Are doing more work on the game with his help on doing the Lore/Story info in the game's menu and I can't Thank him enough for it. ^^
So it's Halloween month huh? No wonder he's been hiding in my Backpack.
Our boy @ZombieKoopa is about to try out a Test build of the Final Game and give you a feel for what is to come.
[Please keep note; in this Build Not everything is available or finalised just yet.]
Hello & Finally i can log back in! so last week i had a Problem with my Laptop where it sounded like the Fan was gonna go Kaboom. (God that is loud!) and so i was unable to work on the game or do anything for a few days up till that Sat Live stream i did.
Tomorrow.. i will Upload a Teaser video of the Main Menu for the up coming Five Nightmares Game so... here is a little Image of that so far.
Secret Revealer is Now Available to Play!
Hello again everyone! so First new Release today is the Secret Revealer and then the following day the FNaS 5 Re-Work update.
Note; to play SR it's just below the Main Play button itself, so Don't expect too much.