Version 1.2.8 is now available to play.
There was a short unannounced hiatus, so this update should have taken 2 months instead of 4.
That does not mean there's nothing big coming...
What's done:
Added one new boss
Added a third level to most chapters that only had two (excluding boss chapters)
Added two late game chapters
Completely remade Glowing Depths chapter
Completely remade Fungal Caverns chapter
Remade the first level of Crumbling Palace and updated the second one (mostly visually)
Updated the layout of Fort Ultor
Updated Forgotten Castle visually
Fixed crossbowmen and alchemists sometimes not detecting edges properly
Fixed quick reset in timed mode resulting in a hard lock on some levels
Fixed Forlorn King's roots attack not doing anything
Fixed a rare bug that made Forlorn King invincible
Opening doors no longer pauses player's movement
Winged bombs no longer have collision when airborne
Winged bombs no longer explode turbo fast when grounded for longer than 1 second
Thought I disabled trophies but actually forgot so enjoy them
This is all for now, good luck and have fun