Yes, early access is finally done, and being tested as I speak.
It will be done in about 2-3 hours.
Changes -
Endings complete (Not main game one)
Final Bosses
Final stories
Endgame reports
Endgame ratings [ Good, Bad ]
Endgame credits
New swords
New armor
New items
New monsters
โโ [ Poll ] โโ
The poll will be closed as of now
since I reached early access much faster than I
guessed. What I wanted for early access is
A) At least 2 ending
B) At least 10-12 bosses
C) 31 Items
D) 20 Armor
E) 20 Weapons
F) Good battles
G) Small amount of bugs
And I think I got most of them, well all but G there might be some bugs, but
really not any. If when I get done testing and you find a bug please, go to our
forums to post the bug report PLEASE do NOT comment a bug that would make my life harder
[ Forum for bugs: : ]
Read that and then do what ya need to.
Alright thank ya for sticking with me.
Bug reports are responded to the minute they can be
Bug reports are NOT a joke any joke reports
( Besides on april fools) is a banBug reports get worked on immediatley, but will not be updated
right away unless major to the game ending. The small bugs get updated with new updates.
Thanks for sticking with me
andAgaMez Forum Team