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100 followers, thanks to everyone who followed the game.
Unleashing things i haven't leaked yet till now
WATCH THE VIDEO (if you want to.)
Sorry if the video is loud or quiet.
the gas thingy got a animation update
The difference:
more realistic,
Things added tho:
- Blur effect (Que importante)
- New Animation which is more realistic atleast
it's not close, yet.. but in simple terms it is.
... wkhuh duh vrph wklqjv klgghq lq wklv lpdjh.. fdq brx ilqg lw?
finished and edited cam - 03
Game Over Screen
doing smth
Beaver is a cave diver, confirmed leak 100% true no cap
just realized how bad this is
Custom Night Menu Preview:
- This isn't the final version of the custom night, because I'm doing something now, so yes, I'll reveal it in the 100 followers special. Now have this, from what I did earlier today.
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