Treasure Island: Expedition

10 months ago

Easter Egg Time!

(Ignore the lazy render)

For the fun of it, I'll be leaving open Easter Egg suggestions for a few days! The best of the Easter Eggs will be added to the game.

Format the suggestions like this:

  1. Name

  2. What is it?

  3. What does it do?

  4. Misc.

  5. Image (Optional)

All I ask is that suggestions are kept simple.



Next up

thagbwas an expeditienndjdmdj

happy anniversary to... uhm...

uhh... uh... uhm...

Kingdom Hearts?

this sure is an abandoned enigma. give me 20 dollars

the chamber of what now

Best FNaF Fangame 2024 Vs. Most Anticipated FNaF Fangame 2025

(Edit: Good news, my meme got featured in the FNaTI community and Radiance Team liked this post)

heh... that bon really was pizza.

i am blood freddy hear my battle cry hear that mighty roar
