Eddie Brock was Brandon’s childhood friend; they used to go to the playground, they used to play games like tag, and of course… their fathers used to be lab partners. In my Spider-Wolf universe, Venom was never created by Knull… he didn’t originate from Klyntar either; instead, V-299 (Venom’s prototype name) was created by Christopher Epperson and his former lab partner, Carl Brock… apparently, it was intended to be a cure for thousands of diseases (e.g., cancer, leukemia). But unfortunately, things have gone completely wrong when Carl turned against the program for himself, converting the attempted cure into a dangerous biological weapon. By betraying Christopher, he brutally attacked him, attempting to kill him! But thankfully, Christopher called the police and successfully separated Carl from the symbiote. Eventually, Carl was arrested for attempted murder. But this incident had traumatized Christopher forever, he had to hide the symbiote so no one would find it, and since then, he resigned from Oscorp… but the backstory was only the beginning. 14 years later, teenage Eddie Brock discovered the V-299 symbiote and thought he would finish it as a cure, but when it affected him instead a new criminal was born: Venom! Like his father, he betrayed Brandon, ending their friendship, and attacked him; Venom has a negative impact on Eddie's personality. If you ever go against a symbiote like Venom, it would already be too late for you… especially if your name is Epperson.