4 years ago

EDIT: Inaccurate now and not very good list.

Top 10 FNaF Fan Songs (in my Opinion)

The FNaF community has made some great things over the years- a prominent example being fangames here on gamejolt. Another thing they have created are fan songs. There are songs covering every corner of the series canon, and ones of varying quality (Tycoon Takeover). However, I wanted to take some time out of my night to list my favorite ones of the bunch.

Keep in mind, these could change later.

10: You can't hide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2fihvzCJ3A

Starting my list with a Sister Location song (excpect this list to be full of them), this one is pretty good. Funtime Freddy's voice, While not too accurate, fits him well in my opinion. The consistent beat in the background is also nice. It does, however, have a few things i disliked, Such as the ending segment which is a slower pace and just feels different than the rest of the song. Also, Funtime Freddy's first chorus is funni lol

9. Join us for a Bite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLeQSd7R-jU

I'll admit- this one is here partially here because of nonstalgia. I used to blast this one at 9:00 at night when it came out. Also, the consistency through the whole song is kind of off-putting to me. However, the song has a cheery feel to it, and the singer sounds pleasent. Why did TikTok steal this >:(>:(>:(

8. Join the Party: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tLdfBQSy1o

This one is heavily underrated in my opinion. It's fast paced and long, and I appreciate songs that can go by fast and slow at the same time. The Chorus is incredible in my opinion, and the verses are good as well. This is a catchy one I reccomend!

7. The new Generation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWhAsrlcYnw

This one is a Popgoes song, but Popgoes is part of The Fazbear fanverse Initiative (https://www.reddit.com/r/fivenightsatfreddys/comments/ie911w/the_fazbear_fanverse_initiative/), so I'll count it. It's is a fast paced, exciting romp set in the Popgoes universe. This was made before the game released, and even then it is still pretty accurate. The vocals pull off the robotic feel well, and the visuals are clean even if Jodie (Gomotion) just used the Trailer footage only. The small touches such as the angelic-like choir in the background and the "Popgoes the Weasel" music box at the end make this worth a listen.

6. Into the Pit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnNh__iIUJI

The most recent one here, Into the Pit gets many things right. The voices are good, it has a good pace and the bass in the background is a nice touch. Its even a collab between animators, which all did a great job. I reccomend you take a listen.

5. Break my mind: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhdNa3iy5rw

Another fast paced one, Break my Mind pulls off perspective swapping well. Whenever I hear it, I get excited because of the hyper beat and vocals. The only part I thought ok was the 2nd perspective, but I still liked it. This song also has one of if not the best ending of a song on this list.

4. It's Been so Long: original/Aviators remix: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gk-aCL6eyGc / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLIi0RYk7cY

I couldn't decide which version of this incredible song to put on this list, so I grouped them together. The Original tells a good FNaF story with a nonstalgic feel, and accurate 8-bit visuals. The Aviators remix is unexplainably good- Maybe It's the instruments or the mix itself, but it is just as good as the original in my opinion. Listen to them both.

3. We want Out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBbIihQHw0E

This song is a collab between multiple prominent FNaF fan-music creators, such as DAgames and Dan Bull. It manages to mix an accurate FNaF 1 beat and great singing talents to make a bop. There's no animation to go along with it, but that's fine with the musical quality. This is a somewhat-recent (in FNaF songs) song to vibe to.

2. Labyrinth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2o5HtgKIhk

This is a five-minute long song that feels like it lasts half of that. Another perspective switching song that gets it right, The beat, Vocals, visuals and pacing are spot on. It also tells FFPS's story well. The song is very impactful, being another collab of talented musicians. It's only outclassed by 1 other song...

Honorable Mentions:

There are a few songs that didn't make the cut for this list, and they deserve a mention. Here they are, in no particular order.

Printed Dreams: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2o5HtgKIhk

Some of you might say "Hey random user I've never heard of, this is a troll song!" You would be right, but the beggining is great. The start is mediocore, but when the lyrics start it sounds smooth and fresh. The troll part is ok as well. If the beggining was fleshed out into a full song, it would probably make the list.

It's time to die: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Om-k4Zi8hEE

This one is pretty great. DAgames voice is powerful as always, and the beat is nice. It does have a few flaws, however. The robotic part where it sounds just like a speech was ok, and the 2nd verse doesn't fit That well as a FNaF 3 song in my opinion. Still worth a listen, however!

I've got no Time (CG5 remix): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXdcqgY_x84

The original I've got no time (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YREhVveHq9k) had a few glaring issues in my opinion. The chorus was great, but the vocals were very grating, and the song didn't have many vocals anyway. The CG5 remix, However, fixes these issues and more. It has an SFM, human vocals and a powerful 2nd verse. Also, 1:59 is me going to my fridge at 3:00 am lol

  1. Five more Nights: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDKGRuo0DFQ

    This one is an absolute banger! The pace is s p e e d, The vocals sound good, and the lyrics are great! The visuals are mediocre, but the song itself is amazing! This is another nonstalgic one taking the top spot.

    Though not all are good, FNaF fan songs keep the fans hyped to this day, and more are to come!

    What is your favorite FNaF song? disagree with the list? tell me in the comments!

    (This took me an hour and a half, goodbye!)

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