Letra en inglés
this is the death that comes to look for you
I don't think so
He is looking for you all over Uruguay
I can't
Now I was going to pay the gas bill.
and tomorrow I have to go to work
I already took the hours of the month
so you don't even think it's going to be missing
I have to pay the rent now
and the heating fee too
I can't leave like that without warning
If I die now they are going to kill me
It's time we have to go
enough of the jokes, it's your turn to die
I don't want to
they show the game on television
your heart is already stopping
but I have a lot to organize
now you just have to relax
through the black tunnel you go towards the light
oops, the ute, get me out of the coffin
tomorrow the forty-seventh is going to come out
we have to go
I don't want to die