3 years ago

Elon Musk with Twitter be like :

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Next up

Quick little video showcasing what I did, it isn't a lot but, yeah, I added an options menu + perspective toggle, and a way to answer the phone. Oh and made the cams buttons bigger.

You see a friendly heavy while on 75% uber

*sad french noises*

Awaiting Asigment.

឵ ឵ ឵ ឵ ឵ ឵ ឵ ឵ ឵ ឵ ឵ ឵ ឵ ឵ ឵ ឵

Texas style

Engineer Gaming, am i right?

Bud's, anyone?

This screenshot is outdated but it's the only one I have of the game actually running on android. Currently I don't have a lot of time to make ports but I'll come back eventually.

now that all bugs are done I started making 1r's port, this port will basically be as close to pc as possible, but in the meanwhile, I made a zip of FNwMT Halloween Special and 1R with fixed packages! Now you can Enjoy malrat's ports how it's supposed to!