The Backrooms: Origins

2 years ago

Emma's Redesign

Hi! I know I disappeared like...6 months, but it's for good No, the game isn't cancelled, just going thru some changes and redesigns What I came to talk abt today is about Emma's redesign, she has been drastically changed and now with a more realistic look that I really like, also some changes to her clothes, mainly the sweater. It's no longer a sweater, it's a jacket and with another shirt under it, I think it gives her a more mature look and is way better than the original I rendered smth for you guys, the new Emma design, hope you like it!
I still got a lot of work to do with the textures such as the hair, but with time I'll have everything done.
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Next up

Game improvements and Gameplay

Today is the game's development 1st anniversary! And to celebrate, here's the first ever minute of gameplay, thank you to all of you following the development, hope I can share more from now on!


Screenshots from the game! Great advancements are being made + new model inside the game is looking good!

Say hello to the protagonist of the game...

Emma Williams!!!

And a new mechanic that will be explained later....

- Feel free to use these renders as profile pictures, but always give credit!

Animations, mask, visual effects and more coming up!

Progressing with new Hair!

Just started a new horror game project! As said in image above, the game will be about The Backrooms, be sure to follow and join the discord server #horror

New hair is done!

What do you think?

Shhh, don't make a sound.

#horror #backrooms