
3 years ago

EN: Wow... I... I don't know what to say about this... I didn't expect it, thanks <3

ES: Wow... yo.. yo nose que decir acerca de esto.. no me lo esperaba, gracias <3

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EN: It took me a long time and I thought about not doing it but in the end I did, it's 4 AM I'm tired but I think it will be worth it, have a good day, afternoon or night. -THE LAST DEMO

-Random image!- EN: New file added to this page!

A ST3 V1.19 with modified game modes, this ST3 is a modification to V1.19 made by the user Miss Lammy, this Version brings a bit of these modes, FreeRoam, S.HELLMODE, SurHard, CoopInf, Deathmatch and TDM

En: maybe one of the last photos I will show until I complete the public Beta test Es: tal vez unas ultimas fotos antes de completar el beta test publico. (lo siento si escribo algunas cosas diferentes en español y en ingles no hay)

Little Pixel Game Teaser #1? idk :) (White tubby Sprite BETA)

(WIP/Temporal TITLE) Another Slendytubbies Classic...

ESP: Tomo mucho tiempo pero a la final lo termine, pense en no hacerlo pero a la final lo termine

Estoy tan cansado son las 4 de la mañana.. pero valdra la pena no? espero que lo disfruten, tengan Lindo dia tarde o noche Se los quiere mis chiquillos

Un archivo añadido a esta pagina! Es un ST3 1.19 pero con algunas modificaciones, este es una version editada de una 1.19 hecha por miss lammy Contiene estos modos: FreeRoam, S.HellMode, SurHard, CoopInf Deadmatch y TDM -Se los quiere mis chiquillos

Today I was setting up the location of the first boss. His name is "Father" and he is the first of the Patagonians. His task is to guard the road to the House.🛡🗡 Bookmark pre-launch page🔖🔖🔖…