Tower Rangers Voice's of Pride

8 years ago

Endless Survival Mode Returns!!!!!!

That’s right guys and germs Survival/Endless/Horde/TOOOMANYSLASHES mode is back and better than ever with new features and exciting gameplay too! One of the new features I as in WEEE as in I don’t care, like to share with you guys is Bonus Rounds! Every five rounds there’s a bonus round if you win you get bonus points, if you fail you get “Degraded Perk” another new feature “hopefully adding” is what enemies you want on and off. Cool right? And hopefully soooo many more ideas happen so you all can play and play forever and ever!!!! MUHAHAHAHAHHAA sorry that was a little too far. You can also get an annoying icon from an annoying friend also known as an annoying SHI. WITH SO MANY MORE NEW FEATURES!!!!!! So what are you waiting for? download the GA-DEMO Also is it just me or does that Black thing look like a potato Hmm ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Unknown

Degraded Perk: The Degraded Perk is when an event could happen when you fail the bonus round such as stronger enemies, Lose all your points and towers or something much worse like your screen goes black for an entire round.



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I couldn't resist to not upload this after @ficha post reminded me of it

Today is my spawn day, surprised how it hasn't shown up yet lol

Another thing my gf made.

Why you gotta do my brudda like dat

The demo is almost ready!!!

Hey everyone, thanks for all the subs so far! Almost reached the 1k goal!!! If you haven't already be sure to subscribe!!! Most of you haven't yet :( I would really appreciate it if you did, it helps my channel grow! Thanks!…

When we needed him most he came.