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So guys, I'll tell you some exciting news! Fazbear Eclipse has joined in the team Bonnie Studio, I hope this helps with his development! Keep following the news!
Creating Model Toy Freddy
Here is the design of the future “character” for the Bug of Story (comic). It will not be used soon, because the events in which it will appear will not be soon. But still, I decided to show his design, I hope you like it ^^
Prime by Toxin
Lost by VladLog
Итак ребята, скажу вам интересную новость! Fazbear Eclipse попала в команду Bonnie Studio, надеюсь это поможет с его развитием! Продолжайте следить за новостями! (Я стараюсь сделать Айсберг, не бойтесь)
Rat Race Production Update
Welcome back to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza! A magical place for kids and grown-ups alike, where fantasy and fun come to life.
Fazbear Entertainment is not responsible for damage to property or person.
The light won't save you
Don't move
Свет не спасёт тебя
Не двигайся
It looks good, it seems