3 months ago
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ENG: I'm in Poland ... *Insert Polish folk song here*
УКР: Я в Польщі ... *Вставте сюди польську народну пісню*
Minin' away....I don't know what to mine I'll mine this anyway in this Minecraft day...
@RaleDesign is a Jolter to Watch! They post great Minecraft builds and designs! Follow them before the quest ends on November 19 and you'll get Coins!
ENG: New PFP and header (No need to write me, that it was done badly. I made them quickly)
УКР: Нові фото профілю та заголовок (Не треба мені писати, що зроблено погано. Я їх зробив нашвидкоруч)
Minecraft Pillar Designs Collection
ENG: It begins...
УКР: Починається...