Sonic New Worlds (On Hold)
4 years ago

Engine changed!!

Heya, this game will be have another engine which is:

Genesis Sonic Worlds Collection!! (by @SonicsGamingHub)

So yeah, I'm moving from another engine and in my opinion looks very good worked) ^^

So, The Special edition will be used from another time or another fangame...and why I'm moving from engine?

Because literally is very tiring and boring to change the sprites from Sonic 3 to Sonic 1 (and I lost the motivation for changing the sprites) So that's why I'm moving from engine, btw, I hope you respect mi choice :)

Well, that's it. Bye Bye Guys/Fellas!! 😃😄😀😁👋👋👋👋

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Next up


I know the reason why the people puts this

*Mickey Negative*

This level is almost done guys!! :D ^^

Because I was making the game I had to delay some things I had planned to do today...but well...the short demo remaster of S.ETTB is out!!! enjoy!!! :D ^^

pd:read the description

d o n ' t a s k w h y j u s t D O N ' T A S K


Changing the sprites

well, hi again

I'm not dead