4 years ago


1 cuss words is prohibited, if someone puts an inappropriate word 2 or 3 times they will be exposed, and do be racist please.

2 It is not allowed to put content for people over 18, since there may be minors in the community, well probably.



Next up

I will draw the left arm

There you have it. (And remember, YONOSOYFRANYT made it)

Hey guys im drawing Golden Call from Dormitabis


Congratulations @bonndev_official you made it

New animatronic

Left arm done

Hey you guys do u like the models? (I didn't made it ok @YONOSOYFRANYT made it and i can't say the name of ''???? Freddy'' and ''???? Chica'' ok.) ¿Fangame? Yes. There you have it. https://gamejolt.com/games/Fnaf_INCIDENTS/546573


art comission.