Five nights at Wario's: Diner's Return

3 years ago

Entity log 2: spider virus

"Did more research, like his brother, the spider goes right and you got to turn the light off, but the green man turns into a virus ad, and certain loud noises annoy it, Christopher out"



Next up

New Wario jumpscare

hey look, my post got featured again

good news, the scripts are done, now we wait

in order to celebrate have this leak, also have a second image for getting 40 followers

Chapter 2 Remastered

Here's more stuff I have done for Diner's Return (flashing lights warning)

I made a another funny

The final morse code is in the article because of the character limit, don't forget to translate it, good luck, and happy Thanksgiving


Hey the build isn't done yet, but here's the menu, I honestly just love how it turned out

hi guys remember the part of fnaw 3 where the house explodes and dry wario's head flys ot of the house

Fun Fact:

This is a scrapped cutscene that was in the original Tubbyland 3 MFA, I don't really know where I would fit this in the recode to be honest, also, it feels a bit off when compared to the others, also, idk what the final bit of dialogue in it is.