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curiosity 2
Emma from fnaw tnf meets the other Gameboy Cameras from the other universes, they are a team
(Unfortunately they don't always get along and end up doing a lot of stupid things).
The past is not forgotten
(Another comic I made for twitter)
ambient music: Collapse (The Full Story Remix)
Curiosity 3 .-
Emma before going to Gray City, she and her boyfriend lived together and wanted to start a family, unfortunately he disappeared at Wario's factory and was last seen at the haunted house, he died from gunshots.
already mature, no longer left with games
ya maduro, ya no se deja con juegos
Curiosity 1.-
This character is not Ashley, it's a clone created by Emma.
(The character's name is abigail).
The comic is incomplete but I already have one page done, I just need to translate it and I'm going to draw the other pages to continue the story.
The insecurities
Another comic I made for Twitter x,d
ambient music: Luigi's Desolation , The WarioWare Incident
The other page is already translated.
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2021 teaser