En Español
600...... cada ves mas cerca de la meta 1.000 pero para eso falta, hoy 8 de abril de 2023 e llagado a los 600 seguidores un logro muy grande para mi, Les agradezco a todos el apoyo y como no mencionar en este post a mis panas mas panas pa q los sigan
@jennY-the-noOb Cuak cuak 🐔
@Mangle_Xd Te amo :)
@Meatboy1112 Boludo pa cuando me pasas el comic >:[
@Emifred008 Te quiero mucho hermano :)
@El_anonimus20XD Se te quiere RCDTRCRPM /j
@frondy_ Te supere jajajajajajjajajajjajajajjajaa...... nah mentira bro, se te quiere
@luther_piolas Trae me café pls
@Toybonnie_123 Mmmm.. como andas cuñao xd?
@SantiagogermanGomez E... como tas xd?
@el_nachios Po q sos tan crak???
@Thedog1056 Furro >:3
Eso es todo q tengan un dia feliz :)

In English
600...... each time closer to the 1,000 goal but for that it is missing, today April 8, 2023 and I reached 600 followers, a very great achievement for me, I thank you all for the support and how not to mention in this post to my friends more friends so they can follow him
@jennY-the-noOb quack quack 🐔
@Mangle_Xd I love you a lot :)
@Meatboy1112 Boludo pa when you pass me the comic >:[
@Emifred008 I love you so much brother :)
@El_anonimus20XD I love you RCDTRCRPM /j
@frondy_ I got over you hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...... nah lie bro, you are nice
@luther_piolas Bring me coffee pls
@Toybonnie_123 Mmmm.. how are you doing xd?
@SantiagogermanGomez E... how are you xd?
@el_nachios Why are you so crack???
@Thedog1056 Furry >:3
That's all have a happy day :)