Next up
They want to play with you!
Ellas quieren jugar contigo!
Solo estamos comenzando...
We're just getting started ...
Detrás de escena :)
Behind scenes :)
HI HI HI back from the dead!! And good news? A BRAND NEW RENDER FOR YOU ALL TO ENJOY!
Hey! ,we still here,and we are getting better for you...more news soon!...
Models 1.2
Hey! , todavía estamos aquí, y estamos mejorando para ti... más noticias pronto!...
Modelos 1.2
Cold Memories | The Fazbear Facility - Teaser
Pronto estaremos juntos!...
Soon we'll be together!...
Devlog 1 - Now we're really cooking!
Shoobies leave a sticky trail of mucus in their wake, which can impede movement for any creature that steps in it.
Heya there! I really wanted to show you all a little gameplay preview of the first boss fight i'm currently working on i hope you like it ^^