So, if you guy have been playing the game, there has been a lot of updating here on Game Jolt. Note that I only upload the builds with Even numbers because the odds are fairly unstable, I also skipped making Build 15 on my computer because it was [bleep] buggy.
That aside, I the game might be coming out on either New Years, or Christmas in 9:00AM Pacific time.
Pricing? There’s going to be 2 versions.
Android and PC for sure. Mac/Linux/iOS/Tizen/etc. Will be at a future date. Possibly Valentines
Pricing for PC is going to be Free [Due to GameJolt asking for my SSN and I don’t want it online…]
And Pricing for Android will either be $0.99 or $1.25
So that’s all for now, and I hope you guys enjoy Build 16!
JL signing out!