5 months ago

Even more EPIC: The Musical obsession art, this weeks topic: Apollo

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Here, a hug for anyone who needs it during this cold, unforgiving, season

Art of the king of the gods himself (Still based around EPIC: The Musical)

I don’t understand how in the span of a week this has become my most popular post

Happy Trans Day of Visibility!

We ❤️ all of our trans Jolters.

Already showed her before but say hello to "Funtime Alex" #FridayAtFreddys

2/5 stickers done!


Some art I made today of everyone's favorite fruity speedster: Hermes (Specifically EPIC: The Musical)

Since I'm already in the holiday spirit I decided to make some new holiday art using a base made by the artist Teranen

Felt silly today (tags in article! Check these folks out!)


Welcome to the safe space for the LGBTQIA+ and for furries