Before we begin, let me thank teammate Exactly for the art of Burke Day's stars the twins! Awfully cute, don't you think?
Anyway, now that I'm home from work, I can tell you all that this week I plan on being special. In celebration of Burke Day, we won't be holding a contest, but we will be featuring twins-themed art and their respective artists on our Gamejolt presence, likely via our Gamejolt Community in its own designated channel for events such as this one.
We allow any kind of media as long as it's produced by the submitter and is SFW (these are children, but some people can be rotten). Please don't worry about quality of content, either. If you genuinely tried, you'll be featured alongside everyone else that submitted and credited in the event!

We look forward to whatever gets put out, and even though we don't truly expect anything, I'm excited to give this event a try for years to come- not just for the Burke twins, but for others as well!
You may submit art in the #utto_creations channel in the Gamejolt Community, or you may submit in the channel under the same name in our Discord Server!
Any questions I'll be happy to answer; this event will be going on from May 11th to May 18th.
With that said, thank you all for following the development of UTTO! I'll see you all next log. :^)

#burkeday2021 #undertaletheotherground #utto #undertale #undertalefangame #ut #utfangame #othergroundformula