[Cancelled] Undertale: The Otherground

4 years ago

EVENTLOG: Welcome, Burke Day 2021!

Happy birthday, Sunny & Renee Burke- and happy 4th anniversary to the team! We've come a long way since the reboot about 2 years ago. :^)

In celebration of today, we have a small event going on! Read below for more!

Before we begin, let me thank teammate Exactly for the art of Burke Day's stars the twins! Awfully cute, don't you think?

Anyway, now that I'm home from work, I can tell you all that this week I plan on being special. In celebration of Burke Day, we won't be holding a contest, but we will be featuring twins-themed art and their respective artists on our Gamejolt presence, likely via our Gamejolt Community in its own designated channel for events such as this one.

We allow any kind of media as long as it's produced by the submitter and is SFW (these are children, but some people can be rotten). Please don't worry about quality of content, either. If you genuinely tried, you'll be featured alongside everyone else that submitted and credited in the event!


We look forward to whatever gets put out, and even though we don't truly expect anything, I'm excited to give this event a try for years to come- not just for the Burke twins, but for others as well!

You may submit art in the #utto_creations channel in the Gamejolt Community, or you may submit in the channel under the same name in our Discord Server!

Any questions I'll be happy to answer; this event will be going on from May 11th to May 18th.

With that said, thank you all for following the development of UTTO! I'll see you all next log. :^)


#burkeday2021 #undertaletheotherground #utto #undertale #undertalefangame #ut #utfangame #othergroundformula



Next up

Discord Update: I'm on track to getting back in, but Discord keeps passing down the processing job, so it's naturally taking forever. They're doing their job, which is something to celebrate regarding their reputation.

Have some cute art for the server :)

MICROLOG: Here's a special treat for 2k followers! How about a quick peek at our intro? We don't have it programmed in yet, and we only have a few slides finished thanks to ArtemArt as well as myself.

Hope you like them! :^) Avast the Eimmet Sea, 2XXX...

MICROLOG: Oops! I forgot to show off the map we devs made, drawn by LukeWarmGuy! This is Mongale Island, AKA what the title is referring to as the "Otherground". This is where the events of the game will unfold. Hope you like it, and huge thanks to Luke!

This week's Fan Art Friday celebrates Undertale! Accept the quest in your quest log to get started.

MICROLOG: We picked up a few extra devs to help us out, one of which being our lead writer LukeWarmGuy. Things are going super smooth and absurdly fast. Also, new music! ; ) Just a little "we're still trucking along", y'know?

Have a good day, now. :^)

MICROLOG: A feature we've promised for a while and can finally confirm it coming: ambient creatures! As Louis and friends travel Mongale, there'll be small creatures that will hop, crawl, and fly around in each and every environment. Here's some examples!

workin on some graphics for the channel tabs, that way they look a bit more professional, appealing, and even welcoming

here's a preview of one of them! :^)



The creation of this community also brings one last thing: and that's the official preview page of Deltarune: The Rouged Thorn, a potential followup to UTTO.

It's been promptly attached to this community's games section, more info on the page itself.