9 years ago

Every Beginning Needs an Ending

Hi friends!

No patch this week, but dang I’m excited for some of the progress that was made this week. There were lots of little bug fixes and quality-of-life changes, but the biggest was that all variants of the concluding cutscene were added. All that’s left now is the credits, and Vidar will be something you can play from start to finish in all of its crazy buggy glory.

Check out the media post for what the last cutscene looks like, logically speaking. Simple, right?

In other news, Vidar was accepted to the Austin Game Conference Intel Game Developer Showcase! I’ll be presenting and demoing the game at a pre-party on Tuesday, September 20, and then I’ll be on the floor during the conference on September 21 and 22. Check out the website for all of the talks etc. and the exhibition floor.. See that “Intel Game Developer Showcase” in the middle? I’ll be there! If you’re in Austin, come say hi.

I’ll save the line-by-line for next week when the next patch is released. Another 13 steam keys and 8 direct downloads went out this week. Mac build is imminent, I promise!



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