
English: the purple SpongeBob is named "carlos Jefferson",he is from Brazil and move to mexican.

Spanish: El Bob Esponja morado se llama "Carlos Jefferson", es de Brasil y se muda a México.



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Jena's secret crush (part 1/read the article)

Five nights at dandy World work in progress 1#

The oldest raffishes age confirmed

Version 1.1.0

I add furs cheeks on clássic jena? Why? Bcuz i add the furs in her cheeks as details.

Also i improved the art Edit ig..

Idk, Just Daisy meets cotty.

The cartoons Monsters from Trevor's arts!

#cartooncat #cartoondog

FNaTAS 1A 2.0 is out! - Final goodbye to the advanced series!

arbolite (arbolito/read the desc/Lea la descripción) (Ft twisted pebble)