Exitus Space
4 years ago

Exitus Space it's on sale, you can buy it at the Play Store now!

Search it as PixelTechMX.



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Max's animation is looking pretty good!

Hello everybody, here it is the morning development update of day 3

Max Travel


Looking good!

Here's the video I couldn't upload yesterday (some why), also, if there's any significant improvement in the Max Travel project I'll let you know :D

Exitus Space 2


Exitus Space 2


Happy Birthday Sonic!


The official teaser is finally here, enjoy it!

Here it is some of the aspects of the game that I have finished:

a) Character

b) Enemie

c) Powerups

d) Level 1 in every difficulty

e) Title Screen

d) Level's UI

Note: In the video the cursor doesn't appear, but it is used in all of the demo.