Fireworks Show Creator is nearing completion. This week's release, 0.9.5, includes a feature I've been hoping to implement from the very beginning: exporting your fireworks show to video. After all, showing off your creation to your friends and family is (almost) half the fun!
To export a recording of part or all of your show, use the record icon in the right-hand corner to start recording. Use the same button to stop. You will be presented with a save dialog to indicate what to call the output file and where to put it.
For video recording to work, you will need to download and install FFMPEG (free) and make sure it is in your PATH.
The quality of the export file is, well... a work in progress. The framerate of the output video is pretty slow and skippy. I will continue to work to improve it. Of course, recording the screen with a great screen capture app like OBS Studio is still an option, too.
Other new features this week include:
A new background, "Bridge."
Two new shells, "Crossette" and "Willow with Glitter." More on their way...
A tweaked transport controls panel (play, record, etc.)
I hope you enjoy this new version of FSC. Feedback is welcome and much appreciated.