Ultimate Box Night

5 years ago

Extended update # 1

Toonster: He's basically a replacement for Thomastis, except he's 10x more epic.

Shadow Spring Box: He will be in your office, invisible. Having your mouse over him will make him slowly become more opaque. If you have the mouse over him for too long, you're dead.

Shadow Rainbox: Does absolutely nothing.

Shadow Bubu: A poster of him may appear in Bubu's room. Click on it to make it go away or the camera map will eventually disappear temporarily.

Shadow Marcell D'avis: He can appear in your office and use his DSL modem. Fuck the system before he finishes or he'll blow his load of internet inside you.

UBBY: A distraction. Every once in a while you'll hallucinate visions of him that completely cover your screen.



Next up

bye bye cum cube!!

best fnaf fangame character design

Extended update #3

checking creator wallet

(funny joke here)

"today i will work on missing meth"


My Face When android studio is so useless i had to port nativesound to windows so i can test it properly and fix it

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