It's finally time everyone! The best, largest, and last Rework is now available! This Update adds a new Zone: Ennard's Dungeon, and now the Black Beard Fight is Redesigned in a whole new way!
I'll also be Releasing an Update in the Coming Days to add some stuff I feel bad about leaving out for this long. Such as Explore, and those Hospital Rework changes. It will NOT Include the Holiday Content, that's for a later time. Here are the changes made.
Added Ennard's Dungeon! Everything you knew about Black Beard is now different!
Added a note in the Warning screen so people know this Game isn't Canon besides the Characters.
Moved the DEL your Save Text on the Menu.
Black Beard is back in the Extras! And he looks better than ever!
The Strange X in the Office is now in Creation!
You can now Skip F. Freddy spotting the Mannequin
Moved the Lever to open up the Secret area in the Chase Scene to be a little harder to get
A lot of changes to The Roof (i'm not writing them all down here)
Changed the North Side Diner a bit to match with Ennard's Dungeon
The Ending has been changed for my plans to add Multiple Endings!
That's all the changes. Hope you enjoy!