2 years ago



That's right, it's my self-insertion.

Happy April Fools day!

I became a Temmie, following in the footsteps of the "great" animator John Brain. The colorscheme of Jak was chosen because he was on my FANDOM avatar for quite some time. (November 2017-Summer 2019)

I will play a key role in my upcoming fancomic. In fact, the script is already done, but I started drawing it only few days ago.

By the way...

Not everyone of you remember, nor could guess it, but my first official appearance was on promotional art of UnderBoll, a texture pack for Mario+Sonic fangame Sonic Boll.


The development is currently on hiatus, however, it's still going to happen. The game is made on Game Maker 8 and has open textures, just like Tricycle Racers that good old Johnny turned into The World of Sanses.

And... here's some leaks. (Everything is subject to change)


Anyways, that's all for now. See ya soon! Look forward for more fanarts, memes, and of course, my projects!

#facereveal #aprilfools #andyetseriousnews #undertale #sonic #mario

(p.s.: there's a hidden teaser for comic in the images)



Next up

Meet the Gaster

Happy DELTARUNE's 6th Anniversary!


Spore - Regular monster enemies from UNDERTALE

This week's #FanArtFriday celebrates Sonic.EXE!

Complete the quest and you'll get a Sonic pack!

The funniest game I've ever played.


Bat? Hedgehog? Batgehog?

Just shadow 🌒

I didn't have internet to be able to publish it in time :(( But here was the drawing of day 3 #bat.

Глокая куздра штеко будланула бокра и курдячит тукастенького бокрёнка


Happy UNDERTALE's 9th Anniversary!

"Can you believe it's already Autumn?" - Toby Fox

It's truly hard to believe, because it's very sunny and warm this year. Meanwhile, Kikoriki also celebrate Olga's birthday today, having a tea party under plywood sun.