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Now i dont want to be mean to Tawka but why, just why

(*Not some hate post*)

Ok so i wanted to show the image of miitopia

Since yall dont know abt it


if u havent play the game, go watch someones video abt it, or get the game urself and ask parents

Dont mind Me

Im just having a bad moon tonight or today

Why is this deer girl is so fricking funny

Почему она такая смешнаяяяя я не понимаюююю

Wanted to show this image for 400 followers speciel video

And this shit is taking so long

Videos of this will coming soon if the game is done

Development's Started. Please, who need are in the article.

Разработка Началась. Люди, которые нужны в артикле.

random crap that happen to me

How i look dudes

Summer is over. The article contains almost everything I managed to do this summer.

Лето закончилось. В артикле почти всё, что я успел сделать за это лето.

Theres no way i was lucky to get this team-