start: clone teliport into exes world
clone riggy: what in the?
clone riggy calls the boss
the boss: yeah?
clone riggy: boss the cloning machine is on the frits and i got sent to...some wired black rottening grassy place
the boss: hmmmm okay go serch around while ill send some one to bring you back bye
the boss hangs up as clone riggy starts walking around a couple hours later clone riggy feels like hes being watch and hes sick of it he spawns a knife into his hand and stops walking he lisins closely and hears someone behind him he throws the knife behind him and hes it hit something he looks back to see it hit faker
clone riggy: is that cant he looks wierd
faker pulls out the knife
faker: you think you can just be in my world then stab me?.....HAHAHAHAHHA FOOL!
faker lunges at clone riggy
clone riggy: oh crap-