8 months ago

Falcom's been hinting about remaking these so I'm getting pretty hyped. Please rerelease the Sky trilogy as a single game on all platforms with PS Vita port features, modern Trails improvements, and multilanguage support !


日本ファルコム・近藤社長インタビュー。『ガガーブトリロジー』からとある要素を受け継ぎ、20周年を迎えた『軌跡』シリーズの今後について語る - 電撃オンライン (dengekionline.com)

Nihon Falcom wants to "eventually" re-release Trails in the Sky for modern platforms | RPG Site

I am aware of XSEED's Steam releases and the Japanese DLsite versions but there are tradeoffs to each one, such as no Japanese language support on Steam and no achievements on DLsite. The Steam release can supposedly be modded with a few PS Vita port features such as JP audio and/or script but from my research these aren't perfect and can cause issues. Running the games in 4K may also be a problem, so I'm counting on Falcom to address these concerns and hopefully release a Steam port alongside the various console editions. Fingers crossed



Next up


We had a taste of what could have been with Ribbit King Plus guys...

#GJAsks One of my favorite video games (GBA ver.); now if only the soundtrack wasn't so expensive

Plenty of great Pokémon movies but this one features Deoxys vs Rayquaza, so what more can you ask for #GJAsks?


I play the games and enjoy the characters and setting, so seeing it all come to life on television (via DVD mostly ) was always a treat.


Grew up with DKC on GBA. First thing that pops to mind is bouncing around in DK's treehouse, and I prefer the GBA soundtrack over the SNES, especially Gangplank Galleon.

The witty banter between Tak and Lok in Tak: The Great Juju Challenge nonewithstanding, this is the funniest game I can recall playing, #GJAsks, and the controls were really good too!

Just imagine the possibilities #GJAsks...

My #JoltidayFave for good reason

Sometimes the generic NPCs have some interesting stuff to say #GJAsks