A new playable character, done by Jhfer - Falcon (Samuel Wilson).

Classic, Movie, Captain America, Earth X, Pelgrin, 90’s era
Falcon can turn into a very rich character, since we can have many options based on his costume. My idea is to make some different attacks based on his costume:
• Movie: Fire guns
• Captain America: Cap´s Shield throw
• Others: Open to ideas
My goal is to make different moves so we almost can have different characters on the same character. But I can’t make one of the versions way too powerful over others.
My main question is about Redwing, his falcon companion:
Telepathic link: Sam was given the ability to telepathically link with birds endowed by the Red Skull using the Cosmic Cube. This link is strongest with his companion Redwing but he is also able to extend his empathic link to other birds making it possible for him to see through their eyes. He has also shown the ability to control birds.
So how should I implement Redwing?
A) Chase Falcon (like Nakoruru from Samurai Shodown or Shadow Dance’s Yamato) and attack the enemies only when Falcon order it to attack? (This would be his freespecial)
B) Fight on its own (kinda like Beast’s bot)
I am busy with other things right now, but I like to organize things before start making, so any adice are welcome.
(man, if wasnt Jhfer, this game would not have so much cool stuff. Thanks buddy!)